Life cycle of stars [ part 2 of 2 ]

                                                     Life cycle of stars [ Part 2 of 2 ]

         In the last blog we discussed about what stars are and the different paths of their evolution. We even discussed the 1st path of evolution of stars. In this blog we found will be discussing the other 2 paths of evolution and a few other characteristics of stars.👇👇👇

2nd path of evolution : Stars falling in this category are really big right from the time when they are born out from the nebulae. Due to being large in size the amount of elements in these stars are also in large numbers. They even consume them quite fast and hence the larger the star the faster is it’s evolution. 

Even these stars go through the same stages through which the smaller stars go but get much bigger in size. Based on their sizes and colours they are categorised differently, for e.g. : blue supergiants , blue hyper giants , red supergiant , red hyper giant. At today’s point UY Scuti ( red hyper giant ) is the biggest known star to us. The only difference is that after after the supernova explosion there are 2 possible ways of their evolution. In the first one the all the atmospheres of the star blow out after the supernova explosion and after a few billion years they clear off so that the core of the star can be seen. This core is completely made up of neutrons and is very very dense. Hence it is called a neutron star. Only a spoonful of matter from these neutron stars will weigh more than a ton on earth. This star is then able to balance all the external forces and this can be called as the end stage of the star

How can a red giant become brighter? + Example

3rd path of evolution : Stars in this category follow the same path of evolution as of the stars of the 2nd stage. These stars also have the mass similar to those. The only difference is that after the supernova explosion no force is capable of balancing the gravitational force and these stars and they end out to be black holes sucking in everything ( even light !!! )

A newfound black hole in the Milky Way is weirdly heavy | Science News

There are different types of stars like pulsar and radiation giving out star. Even the sun radiates in a fixed limit. There are stars which radiate in varying limits. There are many other such types of stars. But of them all black holes are the most interesting. We will be discussing about it in the next blog

Hope u all enjoyed reading and will look out to read my further blogs. And don’t forget to like and share !!!😊😊😊



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