Quasar & Blazars: difference and facts (an illustrated guide)
Quasar and Blazars: dofference and facts (an illustrated guide)
[ A blog on the universe and the cosmos above and the nature of it determined by great scientists. ]
Quasars to be defined simply, are the jets of light emitted by supermassive black holes when they collide with each other. Radio Galaxies, Quasars and Blazars are the same phenomena observed from different angles

- Black holes
- Binary Black Holes
- Active Galactic Nucleus [ AGN ]
- Quasars : Radio Galaxies, Blazars and Quasars
Black Holes :
Black Holes: So Black holes aren't actually black colored holes in the universe. I have written a whole article on Black holes and what they are , so if interested then click here to check it out. But today in this blog I do will provide information about black holes
So black holes are a stage in the evolution of a star. So yep, even stars evolve. I have written a blogpost on that topic too and this is the link to that page. So all the star start off by being born from a nebulae.
There are a few probable paths of evolution and each star fits into a different path of evolution. Overall, there are 3 paths of evolution. Black holes are a stage at the end of one of these paths. If the star which is born out of nebulae is very very huge right from birth, it goes through evolution quite fast and becomes a black hole.
Over its evolution it further becomes bigger and bigger until the time when it collapses under its own weight and all its mass is concentrated into an infinitely dense point of the spacetime fabric.
This results in an unparalleled gravitational force which pulls in everything towards itself with a gravitational force so strong that even light can't escape it.
So black holes are a stage in the evolution of a star. So yep, even stars evolve. I have written a blogpost on that topic too and this is the link to that page. So all the star start off by being born from a nebulae.
There are a few probable paths of evolution and each star fits into a different path of evolution. Overall, there are 3 paths of evolution. Black holes are a stage at the end of one of these paths. If the star which is born out of nebulae is very very huge right from birth, it goes through evolution quite fast and becomes a black hole.
Over its evolution it further becomes bigger and bigger until the time when it collapses under its own weight and all its mass is concentrated into an infinitely dense point of the spacetime fabric.
This results in an unparalleled gravitational force which pulls in everything towards itself with a gravitational force so strong that even light can't escape it.
Binary Black Holes :
Sometimes in the vast universe above, there arise certain circumstances where black holes consume other black holes. These are called as Binary Black Holes in astronomical terms.
When 2 Black Holes get close enough to each other, their respective gravitational forces start attracting the other black hole. Over the time these black holes get close enough to each other and slowly start swallowing the matter of the other black hole. This process can get along for or a some time even though it actually depends on the sizes of the two black holes. This process gives rise to some byproducts like huge gravitational waves which cause disturbances in the spacetime fabric. Quasars are also produced in the same process.
Binary Black Holes |
Active Galactic Nucleus [ A.G.N ] :
[ AGN ] or simply Active Galactic Nucleus is a supermassive black hole. So if you'll don't knew, black holes come in varying sizes. Theses are 1. Supermassive black holes and, 2. Stellar Black holes, 3. Intermediate Black holes and 4. Miniature Black holes. Though there being 4 types of black holes, Supermassive and Stellar Black holes are the most important ones.
So further diving deep into Supermassive black holes ; Through study , scientist have come to the conclusion that almost every galaxy in the solar system has a supermassive Black hole at its center, even Milky Way. So as we know Black Holes have very high gravitational force which pull everything inside them. And supermassive black holes have a mass of a billion times of that our sun and equally powerful gravitational pull. So why are we still alive?The answer is simple, when a black hole runs out of food its gravitational force weakens. Black holes only pull objects which cross the Event Horizon. And when there is no object crossing the event horizon, the black holes stay dormant.
But all the Supermassive black holes are not in a dormant stage. Some of the Supermassive Black holes are active. In such cases the particles and objects revolving around the Black holes experience great gravitational pull and these particles either undergo tremendous friction and create light or are heated to form energy and plasma and this is what creates Active Galactic Nucleus. If you'll want more information on this topic and a few related ones then click here.
Quasars :
Quasars are formed from Active Galactic Nucleus [ AGN ] or simply from supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies. The supermassive Black hole at the center of these quasars have a mass of about a billion times than that of our sun.
The specialty of these Quasars is that they have been recorded to be the brightest objects we have ever noticed in the whole universe. A quasar can outshine almost all the stars in a galaxy. This light and energy is created in the process where the particles and gas revolving the supermassive black hole are pulled into the black hole.
These quasars are insanely bright. So much that we can view its brightness over 2 billion light years away! And if you'll didn't knew, 1 light year is the distance light travels in a year. So now you can imagine the distance light travels in 2 billion years is massive.
The very first Quasar to be discovered dates back to the late 1950's. These strange jet of particles were observed earlier but there were many misconceptions related to them until 1950 when the exact information about this strange space phenomena was reveled to us by the advanced radio telescopes. With the help of the then advanced radio telescopes, we were able to pinpoint to the exact location of the Quasar which lied a few million light years away.
Difference between Radio Galaxies, Quasars and Blazars :
But even though the debates over Quasars continued until recent times. Till now we thought that Radio Galaxies, Quasars and Blazars were different Special phenomenons that occurred. But it has been revealed through recent study that these 3 are the same phenomena.
It has been proved by recent study that these 3 are the same phenomenons observed from different perspectives. If we observe a Quasar from an angle perpendicular to our view, then what we observe is a Radio galaxy If we observe it from any angle [ unspecified ] then the phenomenon is called a Quasar and on the converse , if we observe the Quasar which is directly pinpointed towards us, then what we see is called a Blazar.
The difference between these 3 names given to the same phenomena is the brightness level. When the Quasars is directly pinpointed towards us, its brightness seems to be incredibly high while on the other hand, if the Quasar is perpendicular to our view then it seems more of a galaxy with temperate brightness and varying radio frequencies. If we take into account a Quasar, which is observed if we are positioned at any sort of angle with respect to the phenomenon, the brightness levels seem to be between the brightness levels of Radio galaxies and Blazars. Hence due to these differences the same phenomenon is divided into 3 different phenomenons.
Quasars |
Radio Galaxy |
Blazars |
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It is confused with Quasars
A step in star's evolution
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