Earth's core and Geo - Dynamo

                        Earth's core Geo-Dynamo
             [A blog on the universe and the cosmos above and the nature of it determined by great scientists. ]

What is the Geo - dynamo ?
How it works ?
Why is it important ?
And many such questions answered in this blog on the universe. KEEP READING !!!

                            The Go-Dynamo / the electromagnetic field around the earth is an important factor of our earth and the space above. For a basic
 idea of electromagnetism and the laws formulated on this subject I have previously written a blog on it. If you'll want you can read it at so that you will be able to get a better understanding of this topic. KEEP READING !!!

What is the Geo-Dynamo ?
          The Geo-Dynamo is the term used for the electromagnetic field present around the earth. This invisible shield around the earth extents for about a distance of 600,000 km from earth. There is a constant imbalance among the electromagnetic field and the forces exerted by the sun at a distance bit farther away from 600,000 km. The boundary of this electromagnetic field has lots and lots of charged particles captured in it. This is mainly the result of the solar winds [ The release of charged particles from the outer atmosphere of the sun / the corona of the sun ] This part of the magnetic field is called as the Van - Allen Belt in cosmic terms. The Moon [ The only natural satellite of earth ] also comes under this belt and hence it revolves around the earth in fixed orbits.

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Why is it so important ?
          The Geo - Dynamo or simply the magnetic field around the earth is a very important from the aspect of human existence or rather the existence of life on our planet. The solar winds which carry charged particles with them spread across a huge portion of our solar system. These Solar winds are also equally devastating. Due to these Solar winds , over the period of time the atmosphere of planets slowly blow out. If a planet lacks an atmosphere then the direct hitting UV Rays from the sun make it impossible for formation of water and other important resources on that planet making survival impossible. Scientists even predict that Mars at some time had water and survival was possible on it. But due to some reason its electromagnetic field broke down causing the atmosphere diminish over time resulting into the red planet we see today.

New insight into how much atmosphere Mars lost

The imagined surface of planet Mars [ now and then ]


How the Geo - Dynamo forms :

          The formation of the Geo - Dynamo has relation with the interior of the earth. That is it gets formed due to specific movements in the interior of he earth. The earth's core is semi - liquid in nature. Due to the temperature variations in the outer core and the inner core [ the immediate next layer in the earth's interior after core / outer core ] there arise vertical currents beneath the earth. These currents are not so strong that they can reach the mantle or even the crust and hence we don't feel them in our everyday lives nor do they cause any destruction unlike earthquakes. As we know the earth is continuously spinning on it axis , i.e rotating on its axis. This circular movement does effects the vertical currents formed underground.  Because of the circular motion of the earth the vertical currents also recieve its impact and they too spin in circular motion. These vertical and circular currents are known as Eddies .

                  The core of the earth has the highest proportion of iron in its liquid form embedded in itself when compared with any other part of the earth's interior. While due to temperature variations currents / eddies arise between the outer and the inner core , this iron is also dragged into it in some amount. This causes eddies with iron in them and are known as circular eddies of liquid iron in scientific terms . Due to all of these mixed reactions taking place at the same time it has lead over to the formation of the electromagnetic field around the earth.

Earth's 6-year twitch changes day length ever so slightly - NBC News

End of this magnetic shield :
          Earth was formed billions of years ago. At that stage it was a very hot planet and life was not possible. Later after billions of years it started to cool down and become solid. The uppermost part was the first to cool down. This is the same part we today know as crust on which we live. Over time more deeper sections of our planet started to cool down and solidify. But still today the outer and inner core of our planet are in semi-liquid / liquid in state as predicted by scientists. And that is what makes the magnetic field around the earth possible. But according to scientists when after billions of years these liquid parts of our planet which make the generation of magnetic field possible will also cool down and solidify , then the magnetic field will diminish over time. And this can be considered as the end of this shield as then it cannot reoccur again naturally.

Magnetic reversals :
          Magnetic reversals refer to the exchange in the positions of the magnetic northern and magnetic southern dipoles of the earth. This is a naturally occurring event and has many proofs of it occurring in the past too. In some situations such an reversals in the magnetic poles of the earth causes decent effect on the electromagnetic field around the earth. In adverse conditions it even causes instability in the magnetic field. These conclusions have been drawn by scientists after studying similar events occurring in the sun's magnetic field which has been reported showing such effects at least once in 9-12 years. However with accordance to sun observations have been made that solar magnetic intensity greatly increases during such reversals while on earth these reversals occur at the time of low magnetic intensity.

                  Earth's field has shifted between periods of normal and reverse polarities from time to time. Normal Polarity means the magnetic poles of the planet being in their expected positions , ie. magnetic north in the northern side and the magnetic south in the southern. While on the other hand Reverse Polarity is exactly opposite. This term refers to the exchanged positions of these dipoles. Such periods are called as chrons. There have been about 183 such reversals in about 83 million years with varying estimates of how quickly these events took place. However after research  it has come up that such reversals take about 7000 years for taking place.

Is the Earth's magnetic field about to flip? | Highly Allochthonous

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