Start of universe

                                              Start of universe

       There have been many myths and sayings about how the universe came into being but today the most commonly accepted theory providing an explanation of the birth of universe is the Big Bang theory. 
        The Big Bang theory offers an explanation according to which the universe started as a hot and infinitely dense point only a few millimeters wide which later exploded creating the whole universe we know today. In this process of big bang to the world we today live in there were many stages of which are mentioned below. 👇 👇 👇

Radiation Era & Matter Era

       These 2 eras are the 2 most important stages of the universe that shaped our today's universe.

How Many Atoms Are There in the Universe? - Universe Today

Radiation era :  The first came the radiation era. This era had several small stages of evolution  which are known as 'epochs' . There were a total of 8 epochs in the radiation era. The first was the PLANCK EPOCHS. In this stage no matter existed but at the end of this stage gravitational force came into being.

          The next was the GRAND UNIFICATION EPOCH. In this stage another force of nature known as the strong nucleur force broke away from the other combined forces and formed its independent existence.  The next is the INFLATIONARY EPOCH , this is the stage in which the universe started to expand rapidly. In a next few stages all the forces of nature namely gravity, electromagnetic,  weak and strong forces came into being.

        The next 2 epochs namely the QUORK EPOCH and the HADRON EPOCH were very important stages in the evolution of universe.  In the QUORK EPOCH all the fundamental matters like quorks and electrons  were present in the universe but the temperature was so hot that they could not bond together.  In the HADRON EPOCH which immediately followed the quork epoch , the temperature cooled down so that protons and neutrons could be formed.

       In the next two epochs which are the last ones of the radiation era , there were significant changes in the universe resulting into the bonding of protons , neutrons and electrons to form nuclei.  Later the first element of the universe HELIUM was formed.

     The next era , MATTER ERA was an equally important era in the formation of the universe. We will be discussing about this era in the next blog.

Hope u guys enjoyed reading, and if yes then don't forget to like and share 🙂🙂🙂.


Shalaka said…
Loved it!! Apt..very informative!! Free flowing language!! 👍👌👌
1*blogger said…
Thanks for reading and commenting. I have also published its second part and hope all will like it.
Deepak Sathe said…
Very well explained in plain simple language.

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