Galaxies - sphere - cosmos - constellation - world - nature - black holes.Universe and the past,present and future of its being and all other aspects of the universe covered in these blogs. Universe and beyond simplified.
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Earth's core Geo-Dynamo [A blog on the universe and the cosmos above and the nature of it determined by great scientists. ] What is the Geo - dynamo ? How it works ? Why is it important ? And many such questions answered in this blog on the universe. KEEP READING !!! The Go-Dynamo / the electromagnetic field around the earth is an important factor of our earth and the space above. For a basic idea of electromagnetism and the laws formulated on this subject I have previously written a blog on it. If you'll want you can read it at so that you will be able to get a better understanding of th...
A handy guide to stargazing and astrophotography [ for Beginners and Professionals ] A blog on the universe and the cosmos above and the nature of it determined by great scientists. What is Stargazing and Astrophotography Stargazing basics Astrophotography basics Tools needed for astrophotography : What is Stargazing and Astrophotography : Stargazing and astrophotography are basic terms related to space. Tough they are not rocket science, they can be valuable for space research. Stargazing : Stargazing is not just to sit and gaze the stars, but to learn from them. If you are in favorable conditions with god visibility, low brightness, and all other such factors which are mentioned below then on average you can see about 4000 - 5000 stars which is a crazy ...
A beginner's guide to cassegrain telescopes A blog on the universe and the cosmos above and the nature of it determined by great scientists. Cassegrain telescopes are specially designed telescopes which were first made in 1672. These telescopes have both concave and convex mirrors. These telescopes work on the simple laws of reflection in which the light is reflected by both the mirrors and then reaches the eyepiece. Cassegrain telescopes and how they work Usage Schmidt - Cassegrain & Maksutov Cassegrain Telescope (MAK) Buyer's guide Cassegrain Telescopes : Cassegrain telescopes are one of the 2 main types of reflecting telescopes that we use. Reflecting telescopes are the type of telescopes that use concave mirrors to reflect the incoming light and give u a clear picture of the skies. By using concave mirrors, these types of telescopes overcome the...