Lyrids Meteor Shower 2020 India

                           Lyrid Meteor Shower 2020 India

                            A blog on the universe and the cosmos above and the nature of it determined by great scientists.

                    Hey friends, expect that you read my previous blog and it helped you'll observe the phenomenal occurrence patterns of those celestial bodies. Today in this blog I will be giving some more information on another such phenomenal event happening this week. So lets dive in !!!

 What are meteors :

                   Did you'll know that Planets and satellites aren't the only celestial objects revolving around the sun. Yes , planets and satellites aren't the only bodies which revolve around sun , there are also other pieces of rocks revolving around sun. They are called Meteors and Asteroids. Meteors are small pieces of rocks revolving around the sun while Asteroids are the comparatively larger ones. Quite a lot of people get confused between these two terms. Honestly speaking , even I used to get confused.

                   Meteors are smaller in size while Asteroids are larger. Meteors are being smaller in size are comparably less destructive when cause an impact on earth. On the other hand Asteroids are quite big and if ever make an impact on earth , will cause huge destruction. There have been hand full in fact bucketful of instances in which such large asteroids have come quite close to earth but fortunately didn't hit us. An asteroid as large as the whole New - York city have also passed by us. I will soon be writing separate blogs on meteors,asteroids and comets so be sure to read them as well.

Lyra :

                    Now coming back to our main topic , which is Lyrid Meteor Showers 2020 India. Lyrid is the term referring to the constellation Lyra which is the radiant [ the celestial point in the sky from where the meteors appear to come from at the  time of meteor showers ] of this meteor shower. This constellation is one of those found by Ptolemy. Lyra is somewhat overhead if seen from temperate northern latitudes during summers. So you'll can actually try spotting it in these days. Lyra looks somewhat like lopsided square with one of the brightest star in night sky 'Vega'. This constellation can be view in the sky between 90 and -40 degrees. It can also be spotted by its neighboring constellations , Cygnus , Draco , Hercules and Vulpecula.

Find Lyra Constellation - Utah's Adventure Family

Meteor Showers :
                    Meteor Showers are when Meteor Debris enters the earth's atmosphere at exceedingly high speeds and varying distances in their paths. What we mean by Meteor debris are small destroyed parts of meteors. When this debris enters earth's atmosphere , it experiences huge gravitational pull and air resistance due to which it becomes visible through the night skies.

Lyrid Meteor Shower :

                    Lyrid Meteor Showers are meteor showers which have their radiant in the Lyra Constellation. These Meteor Showers have a specialty that they re - occur every year at specific times of the year. These Meteor Showers are visible in the night sky from 16th of April to 25th April while they are at peak on 22nd of April. That is they are most easily visible on 22nd of April.

                    They have been records of observing these meteor showers even in the mid 600 BC.  No other Meteor Shower has any records of observations from such a long period making them the oldest occurring Meteor Showers.

                     In India and Mumbai at specific these showers will be seen from around 09 : 40 pm [ IST ] each night in the while they will be dominant around at 5 : 30 am [ IST ]

                    The Lyrid Meteor Showers 2020 will be visible as soon as the Lyra constellation is visible above the horizon. For people of foreign countries reading this blog you'll can start looking for the meteors as the constellation is above horizon. At the time of peak of these showers which is on 22nd of April this year , if you observe neatly you can see about 18 meteors every hour.

Meteor showers: What they are and how to watch them
                                      [ ENJOY ]

So friends hope this information will be useful. Also subscribe to our blogs for getting further notifications about our latest content. Lastly feel free to follow our blogs on and stay home stay safe !!!


Hey great piece there. Very well written & informative. I will be looking out for these Lyrid meteors as I am a big astronomy fan. I have seen hundreds of meteors from Geminids to the Perseids ever since I started astronomy ten years ago. The most important thing for me was joining a local astronomical society, which helped me learn so much.

Starman (YouTube)

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