Ozone Layer in 2020
Ozone Layer in 2020 A blog on the universe and the cosmos above and the nature of it determined by great scientists. Hey everyone today I am back with a new topic Ozone Layer. So do read the whole article, Let's dive in !!! Layers of atmosphere The ozone layer UV rays Holes in Ozone and global warming Ozone Layer amid lockdowns Layers of Atmosphere : The Earth's dense atmosphere is not the same throughout. It is the densest at lower levels and we are quite lucky for that. As we move higher and higher the atmosphere/air becomes thinner and thinner and it almost impossible to breathe with the help of your lungs at really high altitudes. this is the merry reason why mountaineers trekking on peaks like Everest, have oxygen supplies to aid them. Troposphere: The Earth's atmosphere is constituted of several layers of such air. The closest one to the Earth is called Troposphere. This region has quite a th