
Showing posts from November, 2020

What is Vacuum Decay

A blog on the universe and the cosmos above and the nature of it determined by great scientists. What is Higgs Boson What is Higgs Field What is Vacuum and False Vacuum Vacuum Decay Vacuum Decay is a theoretical prediction about how the universe will end due to the Higgs field which gives all particles their masses moving towards the state of complete stability and lowest energy level ( Vacuum state ) considering the assumption, that the Higgs field is currently in a state of false vacuum and has a lot of energy to give off and attain complete stability from the state of partial stability. What is Higgs Boson :                     Higgs boson is today a fundamental boson type in the Standard Model of elementary particles in the world of particle physics. Initially, there were a total of 4 types of bosons which included the Gluon ( massless particles which bind together the quarks present inside protons and neutrons ), Photon ( Particles ...

Gravitational lensing

                                 Gravitational lensing                     A blog on the universe and the cosmos above and the nature of it determined by great scientists.                                             Gravitational Lensing is the magnification and increased brightness of various objects and celestial events due to their light being obstructed by a gravitational field created by a massive object(s). This results in the light getting bent before reaching us.  What is gravity according to General Relativity Bending of light and gravity How we use gravitational lensing What is Gravity according to General Relativity :                      Unlike the Newtonian model, Gravity is...